I'm putting my year in review, in the spirit of Xmas and in the dying embers of 2007. Some of it is good, some is bad and most of it is a source of indifference to anybody but me.
I've written 70,000+ words of a novel. It's still another 50,000 words from completion but it's getting there. It's a violent crime novel (more Jim Thompson than Raymond Chandler) and it has some autobiographical character elements but it is 100% fiction. I don't know how good it is (or how bad) but having re-read some early sections it appears to read quite well. After a life of unfinished projects I will fucking finish this one. I'm sick of leaving things incomplete. It's time I finished something. Even if this one fails, I know the next one will be better!
I've split up with my girlfriend of nearly four years. Sometimes I have regrets about it all, and I definitely regret the way I handled some of it and some of the things I did, but I think we did the right thing. She seems to have moved on well, we're still good friends, and I wish her all the best for the future. I, on the other hand, have moved sideways - partly because of the novel - and partly because I don't know what I want yet despite the fact that I'm hurtling headfirst towards my 36th birthday.
I immediately followed that up with a relationship with a 24-year old co-worker. When it started we were good friends. I made the mistake of compartmentalising it into a fuckbuddy thing. It ended. Now we don't fuck and we aren't really buddies either; we drink in the same group but we don't talk like we used to and I doubt she considers me a proper friend any more. I wish I'd handled it differently but c'est la fucking vie!
I've had a couple of one-night stands, including one that involved an unpleasant case of drink-related 'Mr Floppy'. It had nothing to do with the lady concerned. I've realised that once you hit a certain age you can't really knock back the booze, do several late nights running and still expect to perform at tip-top level. C'est la fucking vie.
I then progressed on to another co-worker relationship. This one was a total bumping uglies clusterfucker of the highest order. She has a boyfriend and I should never have started anything with her. But I did. We had sex twice. But she was prepared to leave her boyfriend for me. I didn't want that. I wasn't ready for it. I maybe should have made that clear. However I didn't tell her till the work's Xmas party. The next thing I know she was crying on everybody's shoulder telling them I lead her down the garden path. Suddenly, people were on my back having a go at me. She said I still have feelings for my now ex co-worker. Of course, I denied this as it was untrue. However, I did say I wished we were still friends. Other things happened during the evening. Eventually I ended up leaving the party in a foul mood. We haven't spoken since and better yet we are going to be working right next to each other in January and February. Also, a couple of friends aren't talking to me either and I'm not talking to them. Maybe I should - particularly as we were all such good friends - but I'm a stubborn cunt and I've dug my heels in. I'll think about thawing the frost in the New Year but I doubt we'll be such good friends in 2008. Oh well, c'est la fucking vie!!
I'm still happy in my job. I work with a good team and hopefully, despite having to work next to the above co-worker in the first couple of months of the new year, this will continue during 2008.
These aren't resolutions but they are what I will do in 2008:
Keep off the weight I lost in 2006. I'll tone up a bit as well. I want to see my abs!
Finish the first draft of my novel and finish the first draft of an earlier project (which is about 12,000 words in and is ostensibly a sort of sequel to the first project). I'll see if I can get a second draft done too!
Do a bit of dating and see what happens. Hopefully someone right will come along. They won't be perfect but, then again, neither am I, but - knowing what I know now about relationships - I'll try to do my best and accept them for who they are. We'll see!!
Chip away at my debts. Get a second weekend job and use that money to pay off my debts. And also use some of the money for a bit of travelling.
Travel to two new places this year. St Petersburg and somewhere in central or South America. I'm sick of hearing about other people's travel stories. I want some of my own.
Maybe blog a bit more too!
See you in 2008