Tuesday, January 01, 2008


2008 is the year I pursue my plan to terminate the public's obsession with celebrity.

Why do we care about the social lives of some fucking mongoloids who once lived in a house together on national television, and yet we don't give a fuck about the lives of our families? We all cry for some fucking 'Princess' at her funeral and yet many of us can't get away fast enough from the funerals of our families and friends? We watch some whining fucksicles as they stomp and moan their way through some reality TV wankfest and yet we switch channels when the reality of Darfur, or Kenya, or Iraq, or Pakistan intrudes upon our carefully planned lives and schedules. We all salivate over the latest sexual, alcoholic or narcotic misdemeanour of Lindsay Lohan, Pete Doherty, Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears or Kate Moss and yet if we lived next to these self-obsessed morons we would be tearing our hair out at their anti-social activities.


Why do we care?

The reason we care is because the media tells us we should. Newspapers, gossip magazines, television shows and entire television (Channel 4 are particularly culpable) earn massive revenues on the back of this bullshit. Advertising revenues are built on the back of this bullshit. Products are tailored to milk the public dry on the back of this bullshit: Christ, just think of the celebrity exercise videos, diets, records, autobiographies, perfumes, clothing ranges and other assorted dreck sold to us on the back of this shite.

Some people actually care and love these celebrities and yet if these same obsessive people were on fire in the street most of these celebrities wouldn't even piss on them. You should look at forums salivating over celebrities, fighting over them, threatening to kill each other over them, butchering their faces to look like them.

I for one am glad I've been without a TV for the last six months. I don't have to hear the self-pitying whines of some titwank celebrity pissing about in a fucking pseudo jungle; I don't have to watch some has-been ballroom dancing to make a payment on their second home; I don't have watch some desperado humiliate themselves on national TV for fifteen seconds of pitiful fame. I love not having to deal with this garbage and my brain, my soul, feels cleaner for not having exposed myself to this fucking bilge.

Now I think everybody else should get some of this cleansing action.

When you feel the need to watch Big Brother - don't! Read a book. When you feel the need to watch a celebrity take cooking lessons - don't! Pick up a recipe book and make your own meal. When you feel the need to listen to a celebrity piss and moan about something - don't! Talk to your family or friends instead. When you feel the need to read a celebrity wank mag - don't! Find something you've always wanted to do and do that instead: learn a language; pursue a hobby; do anything other than waste more of your time and money on these fucking cocksmokers.

Christ, I can feel the fucking rage building within me. Must Stop! Over and Out!