Sunday, February 04, 2007

New Blogger - fucking shit - an open letter to some world dominating cunts

Fucking Google, you world dominating, spoil something that didn't need changing, useless fucktroids.

I can no longer see who has been commenting on my site since changing over to the "new and improved Blogger". Fucking pile of faeces Blogger, more like!

Now, yes, generally I know who is commenting. However if there is somebody new and I can't link to them, because they're anonymous, then it makes it difficult for me to check out their blog.

Anybody know how to solve this problem?

Or am I, as I always suspected I was, a complete and utter luddite twat!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Yes, I noticed that happened to your comments. Very strange. If I figure it out, I'll let you know.


3:41 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and look what happened to the accent on my "e" in your blogroll! Yuck. :)

3:42 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh... just looked at Blogger help -- apparently this is happening when you migrate to the new version, to any comments posted by bloggers who are already on the new version. So we're going to see this happening on more and more blogs as they migrate,unless they fix the damned problem. Bloody hell. I'm going to become anonymous all over.

Useless fucktroids is right.


3:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't view the websites of the Anonymous - for obvious reasons.

7:53 am  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Fwenge, I know that!

However, even your comments were anonymous, meaning that I am unable to clink on your link and see your page come up.

This means if somebody new visits my blog and comments it will be impossible for me to return that favour.

Now do you understand?

10:46 am  

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