Saturday, December 02, 2006

2012 Olympics

I can't wait for these to come around. I'm so excited I'm like a giddy schoolgirl, albeit with a beard and men's clothes!

But not because of the events that will be on display. No, that's not it...

It's because of the events that won't be on display!

Is that confusing? It shouldn't be. It is simple...

What we are facing is the first Olympics that will miss its deadline. Cunt London is going to fuck it up. Look at the Wembley debacle and the Millennium Dome abomination as evidence. This country can no longer deal with major projects. And Cunt London is Britain writ large. We are too lazy, beauracratic and arrogant for our own good. Now I've heard people say, 'We ran an Empire, for God's sake.' Yes, we did, but so did the Romans - and a fat lot of good that was when it all inevitably fell apart.

I must seem awful, enjoying the schadenfraude that is unfolding before our very eyes, but I'm not really. This might just be the making of us. When it all goes wrong we will have nobody to blame but ourselves. The fact is, if we miss the deadline we might just be forced to say we really aren't that good. We might be forced to cut back on the paperwork, the red tape, the fucktastic rip-off construction companies who fleece the taxpayers dry, the smugness that comes with the mistaken knowledge that we are the best city in the best country in the world. The project is already a billion over budget, and it has barely started. If this really was the best city in the world, then the project wouldn't already be over budget before any meaningful construction work has begun!

I can't wait for the BBC coverage featuring an empty half built stadium, a camera pans and zooms over nothingness, a commentator screams, "And this is where the East German would have broken the high jump world record, if only the useless cunts who ran this had done their jobs properly!"

It's going to be something to behold!


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