Monday, February 05, 2007

Taking some time out

I'm taking some time out from the blogging.

Well, maybe a big catch-up blog every month or so but otherwise these pages won't change too much for a couple of months.

I need to concentrate on my novel, and I can't blog regularly and write a novel at the same time (well, maybe I could if I was freelance - but I'm not). The novel has priority because it is at an important stage in its development; basically it is at that point where it will either genuinely become a novel or just turn into a load of shit!

I will, of course, be checking up on other people's blogs and dropping my random comments on them from time-to-time.

So I won't be disappearing completely.

Just for a while...

So to my three regular readers (and other random lurkers) I bid you a temporary adieu!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? You're leaving us? Now I may have to deal with my own anger instead of sublimating it in reading yours?

Please keep checking in on my blog, and maybe drop me an email when you're going to start up again...

You really do deserve a much larger readership -- good luck with the novel. You do write very well.


10:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello.... I'm a random, regular reader lurker but seeing as though you're going away for a while I suppose I really should come out of the woodwork and wish you luck with your novel.

I hope you find inspiration and get the novel finished , published etc etc.......I'm sure it'll be excellent.

10:33 am  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Thanks both...

And Isabelle, welcome to my blog!

Next post will officially be on March 1st.

By which time I'm hoping to have my novel upto the 40,000+ word mark

9:50 pm  
Blogger Angela-la-la said...

Good luck with it babe (and remember us when you're rich and famous!)

10:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pah! You cunt. You're the one who told me to start mine.
See you for carnage next Tuesday then...

7:54 am  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Today, has already been too unpleasant to go without a post or two

However, the next one after today will be March 1st.

10:43 am  

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