Monday, December 04, 2006

The left hand side of the escalator... for those who wish to walk up the stairs.

It is not there for you to stand in the way of people - chatting to your friend - you ignorant, dawdling, lanky piss-streak fuck.

You then proceed to get offended when politely told to move to the right-hand side.

Ignorant, ignorant, fucktard.

If good manners earned us all money - you sir, would be a pauper.

But, in the real world, what you are is...

A cunt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so much anger, so much vitriol. I like it a lot. :)

1:45 am  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Why thank you LFM. Pouring my vitriol out on the 'puter screen helps me to be a more chilled person in the real world.

8:51 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you are actually chilled in the real world? Really? Hmmmmm. Think I need to be convinced on that one.

10:10 pm  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

As Maximo Park say in the song Apply Some Pressure, 'Anger is what fuels me...'

I unleash my rage on these pages so that my girlfriend gets a more relaxed, love-tastic me.

If I didn't unleash on these pages I'd probably explode like an Iraqi carbomb!

Although I am still rather angry, nonetheless ;-)

10:56 pm  

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