Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Big Cocksucking Brother

Celebrity Big Brother...

I can hear it filtering through the walls from the living room of my next door neighbour.

Obviously an addict.

I can actually hear some silly cunt screaming outside the BB house through the wall. What fucking volume does the cunt have his TV set at? The walls of this Victorian terrace are extremely thick, I've never heard my neighbours before but now, thanks to C4 (the C stands for Cunt by-the-way), I can hear the hideous harridan McCall screeching through my wall.

I fucking hate Big Brother.

I fucking hate reality TV.

It offers worthless fucks the opportunity to begin their fifteen minutes of fame and worthless "celebrity" fucks the opportunity to prolong theirs.

Talent doesn't even come into it. The ability to actually do something of worth to humanity is the antithesis of what these shows are about. The more uselessly fuckleheaded these malignant smokers of fetid horse cock are the better it is for ratings. I fucking loathe them all.

My swearing resolution is dead.

My rage has overwhelmed it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like Celebrity Big Brother, you cunt.

11:20 pm  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Then you have my sympathy, he says with a smugly superior sense of satisfaction!!

But, really, why?

1:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reality television I like are documentaries. The other stuff, particularly Pop Idol, American Idol, or whateverthehell they call it in respective countries, is just horrible. What's worse, is in the workplace, I'm considered an ass (I am an ass but for other reasons that should be apparent) for NOT FOLLOWING the Idol show, BB, Dancing with the Stars, etc. Gak. Last night I watched and was most horrified by the Big Ugly Fat Loud American.

2:01 pm  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

I too am looked down upon by many of my colleagues because I don't indulge in work banter about the previous evenings 'Big Brother', 'X factor', 'Pop Idol' etc. etc.

Documentaries I like.

5:28 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Cos it's like being a superior observational scientist from your armchair. Look, all BB fans are basically inbred chavs, except for me. I look beyond that as I'm fascinated by group dynamics, and social interaction, and involvement.

(Rather than going out and doing that myself in bars.)

8:59 pm  

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