Sunday, December 10, 2006

Other reality show ideas

How about Victoria Beckham's Celebrity Anal Gangbang? Street Fighting with Russell Crowe? Or Jade Goody's Bukkake Challenge?

Members of the public, please feel free to add your own reality show in my bulging comments bag!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get the feeling she might enjoy the Bukkakke challenge. How about Jane Goody's Unnecessary Surgery Challenge?

2:17 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure there must be something that can be done along the theme of winning by getting Parasite Hilton to crack a smile while you fuck her on video...

4:41 pm  
Blogger The Nothing Man said...

Fweng, I still say bukkake challenge is better. LFM I like your thinking, I forgot about old Parasite Hilton. Here's another one featuring one of her old partying chums. Lindsay Lohan's Panty Search. Ordinary American's have to search the entirety of the US of A to find this poor creature her drawers. The winner gets to live in the trailer park of his or her choice.

6:59 pm  

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